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Tutorials and News — texture

How I paint leaves, trees and foliage

Posted by Carlianne Tipsey on

If you've ever struggled getting texture and depth in your planty like paintings here are the tips that have helped me the most! I actually learned this first tip from watching the Sleeping Beauty extras. Eyvind Earle shared his process and it has been a game changer for me!  Control Details Okay so before we get into the step by step.. steps :). I want to remind you that details fade as they go into the distance. So if you are going to paint something far away you don't need to add as many little leaves or whatever, just keep...

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Create Texture Like a Pro

Posted by Carlianne Tipsey on

Okay I might be old but when I was just starting with digital art there weren't any good ways to create texture in our paintings. So everything looked sort of flat or just super graphic. But I love traditional art so have spent time over the years learning how I can create texture in my paintings.  


Here are some of my secrets!

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